로그인 회원가입

의 생각으로는 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • to one’s mind
  • in one’s mind
  •     의1 [소유] ‥'s; of; belonging to.
  • 할 생각으로    in view of
  • 으로는    으로는 [으론]. 학력~ 내가 그보다 낫다 As for[to] academic background, I am ahead of him. 이것~ 이 책을 살 수 없다 This is not enough for[to buy] the book. 손해의 변상만~ 너를 놓아줄 수 없다 Merely paying for the damage won't absolve yo
  • 겉으로는    seemingly; ostensibly; ostensively; apparently; by the looks of things; at first blush; on the face of it
  • 다음으로는    secondly
  • 앞으로는    in future
  • 한편으로는    on one hand
  • 생각할 수 있는 바로는    conceivably
  • 각각으로    각각으로 [刻刻-] hourly; from hour to hour; momentarily; every moment; moment by moment. ~ 변하다 change every moment.
  • 양각으로 새긴    wrought
  • 양각으로 하다    emboss
  • 직각으로    square; perpendicular; plumb
  • 직각으로 하다    square; square off
  • 마지막으로는    finally; at last
  • 실질적으로는    virtually; nearly; close to; intimately; as near as makes no difference; so to speak; practically; coming on; not quite; quasi; almost; next to; well-nigh; #quasi |quasi; as it were
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